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How to make a complaint?

  1. Fill out our form REKLAMAČNÍ PROTOKOL PT
  2. Carefully pack the goods and include the completed form
  3. Send it to our address Čerčanská 640/30, 140 00, Prague 4 (Perfect Sound Group s. r. o.)
  4. Wait to be contacted


Withdrawal from the contract

  1. A buyer who has concluded a purchase contract outside of their business activity as a consumer has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract.
  2. The withdrawal period is 14 days
  • from the date of receipt of the goods,
  • from the date of receipt of the last delivery of goods, if the contract involves several types of goods or the delivery of several parts.
  • from the date of receipt of the first delivery of goods, if the contract involves regular repeated delivery of goods.
  1. The buyer cannot withdraw from the purchase contract, among other things:
  • for the provision of services, if they were fulfilled with their prior express consent before the expiration of the withdrawal period and the seller informed the buyer before the conclusion of the contract that in such a case they do not have the right to withdraw from the contract,
  • for the delivery of goods or services, the price of which depends on fluctuations in the financial market independent of the seller's will and which may occur during the withdrawal period,
  • for the delivery of goods that have been customized according to the buyer's wishes or for their person,
  • for the delivery of goods that are subject to rapid decay, as well as goods that have been irrevocably mixed with other goods after delivery,
  • for the delivery of goods in a sealed package that the buyer has removed from the package and for hygienic reasons cannot be returned,
  • for the delivery of an audio or video recording or a computer program if they have broken the original packaging,
  • for the delivery of digital content, if it was not delivered on a tangible medium and was delivered with the prior express consent of the buyer before the expiration of the withdrawal period and the seller informed the buyer before the conclusion of the contract that in such a case they do not have the right to withdraw from the contract,
  • in other cases specified in § 1837 of the Civil Code.
  1. To meet the withdrawal period, the buyer must send a statement of withdrawal within the withdrawal period.
  2. To withdraw from the purchase contract, the buyer can use the sample form (odstoupeni_od_koupě_PT) provided by the seller. The buyer sends the withdrawal from the purchase contract to the seller's email or delivery address specified in these terms and conditions. The seller will promptly confirm receipt of the form to the buyer.
  3. A buyer who has withdrawn from the contract is obliged to return the goods to the seller within 14 days of the withdrawal from the contract. The buyer bears the costs associated with returning the goods to the seller, even in the case where the goods cannot be returned by ordinary postal means due to their nature.
  4. If the buyer withdraws from the contract, the seller will promptly, but no later than 14 days from the withdrawal from the contract, return all monetary funds, including delivery costs, received from them, in the same manner. The seller will return the received monetary funds to the buyer in another way only if the buyer agrees and if no additional costs arise for the buyer.
  5. If the buyer chose a method of delivery other than the cheapest method offered by the seller, the seller will refund the delivery costs corresponding to the cheapest offered method of delivery.
  6. If the buyer withdraws from the purchase contract, the seller is not obliged to return the received monetary funds to the buyer before the buyer hands over the goods to the seller or proves that they have sent the goods to the seller.
  7. The buyer must return the goods to the seller undamaged, unworn, and unsoiled and in the original packaging. The seller is entitled to unilaterally set off the claim for compensation for damage caused to the goods against the buyer's claim for a refund of the purchase price.
  8. The seller is entitled to withdraw from the purchase contract due to the sale of stock, unavailability of goods, or if the manufacturer, importer, or supplier of the goods has discontinued production or import of the goods. The seller will promptly inform the buyer via the email address specified in the order and return all monetary funds, including delivery costs, received from them under the contract within 14 days of notification of withdrawal from the purchase contract, in the same manner, or as specified by the buyer.



Rights from defective performance

  1. The seller is responsible to the buyer that the goods have no defects upon receipt. In particular, the seller is responsible to the buyer that at the time the buyer took over the goods:
  • the goods have the properties that the parties have agreed upon, and if there is no agreement, they have the properties that the seller or manufacturer described or that the buyer expected with regard to the nature of the goods and based on the advertising carried out by them,
  • the goods are suitable for the purpose that the seller states for their use or for which goods of this type are usually used,
  • the goods correspond to the quality or design of the agreed sample or model if the quality or design was determined according to the agreed sample or model,
  • the goods are in the corresponding quantity, measure, or weight, and
  • the goods comply with the requirements of legal regulations.
  1. If a defect becomes apparent within six months of receipt, it is considered that the goods were defective at the time of receipt. The buyer is entitled to exercise the right from a defect that occurs in consumer goods within twenty-four months of receipt. This provision does not apply to goods sold at a lower price for a defect for which the lower price was agreed, for wear and tear of goods caused by their usual use, for used goods for a defect corresponding to the degree of use or wear that the goods had when taken over by the buyer, or if it follows from the nature of the goods.
  2. In the event of a defect, the buyer can submit a complaint to the seller and request:
  • replacement with new goods,
  • repair of the goods,
  • a reasonable discount on the purchase price,
  • withdraw from the contract.
  1. The buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract,
  • if the goods have a substantial defect,
  • if the buyer cannot use the item properly due to the recurrence of the defect or defects after repair,
  • in the case of a larger number of defects in the goods.
  1. The seller is obliged to accept the complaint at any establishment where the acceptance of the complaint is possible. The seller is obliged to issue a written confirmation to the buyer of when the buyer exercised the right, what is the content of the complaint, and what method of handling the complaint the buyer requests, as well as confirmation of the date and method of handling the complaint, including confirmation of the repair and its duration, or a written justification for the rejection of the complaint.
  2. The seller or an authorized employee will decide on the complaint immediately, in complex cases within three working days. This period does not include the time appropriate to the type of product or service required for professional assessment of the defect. Complaints, including the removal of defects, must be handled promptly, no later than 30 days from the date of the complaint, unless the seller agrees with the buyer on a longer period. Failure to meet this deadline is considered a substantial breach of the contract, and the buyer has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract. The moment of the complaint is considered to be the moment when the expression of the buyer's will (exercise of the right from defective performance) is delivered to the seller.
  3. The seller will inform the buyer in writing about the outcome of the complaint.
  4. The right from defective performance does not belong to the buyer if the buyer knew before taking over the item that the item had a defect, or if the buyer caused the defect themselves.
  5. In the case of a justified complaint, the buyer has the right to reimbursement of purposefully incurred costs related to the complaint. The buyer can exercise this right with the seller within one month after the expiration of the warranty period.
  6. The buyer chooses the method of complaint.
  7. The rights and obligations of the contractual parties regarding rights from defective performance are governed by §§ 1914 to 1925, §§ 2099 to 2117, and §§ 2161 to 2174 of the Civil Code and Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on consumer protection.